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New construction often requires asphalt paving for several reasons:

Durability and Stability: Asphalt paving provides a durable and stable surface suitable for various applications, including roads, parking lots, driveways, and pathways. It can withstand heavy traffic loads and adverse weather conditions, making it ideal for use in new construction projects.

Smooth Surface: Asphalt pavement offers a smooth surface, which enhances driving comfort and safety. It reduces the likelihood of vehicle damage and provides better traction for vehicles, particularly important for roads and driveways.

Quick Installation: Asphalt paving can be installed relatively quickly compared to other paving materials such as concrete. This allows for faster completion of construction projects, minimizing disruptions and inconveniences to residents, businesses, and commuters.

Cost-Effectiveness: Asphalt paving is often more cost-effective than other paving options, both in terms of initial installation costs and long-term maintenance expenses. Its ease of installation and repair can result in lower overall construction costs.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Asphalt pavement is flexible and can accommodate ground movements and settling, reducing the likelihood of cracks and other structural issues. This flexibility makes it suitable for various soil conditions and construction requirements.

Environmental Benefits: Asphalt is a recyclable material, and recycled asphalt can be used in new construction projects, reducing the need for virgin materials and minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, asphalt pavements can help reduce stormwater runoff and mitigate the urban heat island effect.

Versatility: Asphalt can be customized to meet specific project requirements, such as varying thicknesses for different traffic loads or the addition of additives for improved performance in extreme weather conditions.

Overall, asphalt paving is a popular choice for new construction projects due to its durability, cost-effectiveness, versatility, and environmental benefits.

Call us today for a quote 405-439-4361

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March 23, 2024 • 12:40PM


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